✨ Learn all about your Aura & Energetic Design
✨ Embody your Unique Superpowers & authentically shine.
✨ Awaken your inner wisdom & power.
✨ Radiate as your Dharma - your soul's purpose - is unlocked.
Your Personalized PDF Report reveals your most powerful qualities, expressions & challenges cultivated from your astrological birth chart, Human Design body graph, and Gene Keys profile.
• "The What": All About your Aura. Natural expressions of your energetic design. How your energy operates in general & with others.
• "The What": All About your Superpowers. Your 4 prime gifts are given to you to make your life more enjoyable & meaningful.
• "The How": Rituals & Recommendations. Learn how to align with your essence to create ease & flow, and realize when you're out-of-alignment.
◦ Simple practices & tips to connect with your body, honor your energy, and create greater ease.
• "The Why": Inspirational mantras designed to support your strengths. Empowering beliefs to balance & align your energy.
Authentic Essence Report
Personalized Report: 20-25 page PDF document.