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  • Learn the natural, powerful qualities of your Energetic Design with Guided by Fire's Energy & Aura Report, a personalized PDF derived from your Human Design body graph. 


    What's Included:

    • "The What": All About your Aura. Learn the strongest qualities of your energy.
      • Natural expressions of your aura: how it operates in general & with others.
      • Ways in which you're designed to use your energy & what drains you.
    • "The How" in Action: Simple practices & tips to connect with your body, honor your energy, and create greater ease.
    • "The How" through Contemplation: Conditioned thoughts that are not true for you, limiting beliefs, and how to release all that doesn't support your aura.
    • "The Why": Inspirational mantras & empowering beliefs to balance and align your energy.

    Energy & Aura Report

    • Personalized Report: 10-12 page PDF document. Photos shown are examples & inspiration.

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